Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There will be blood.

Ever found blood splattered on your wall and confusion coupled with concern was your initial reaction?  This morning I discovered what looked like had been slung, teaspoon of blood on my walls.  I could have been more surprised but the last thing I remembered from the night prior was awarding myself 117 points in a round of Scrabble verse my sister.  After further investigation, I found an extension of the murder scene on the sheets of my bed under my pillows.  Disregarding my findings, I went to my sister's room for breakfast and the morning after wtf happened newsletter.  She wasn't sure either but then I asked her if there was something of a cut or bruise on my throbbing elbow.  There was.  Culprit found.  How it happened you ask?  Between this elbow....and God.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I support single parenting...but you just messed that kid up.
But, did I go to three strip clubs last night? In a row?...yes...yes I did.

Friday, September 10, 2010


The basement is being assaulted with toxic chemicals and I'm "strangely" okay with it.  I use strangely loosely because I'm pretty sure the poison is absorbing whatevers left of my brain mass and I starts to forgets words.

 Last night, invited old millionaire friend out to buy Carly and I drinks, which he did...too much, kissed him like I was like Rachel Zoe meeting Armani, (that's all you get clowns) then met up with the guy I dicked over, recieved an hour phonecall from the elusive "jamfan" and went on to receive retarded messages from....who will be my next blog star...just wait.  Presently sitting in a fume filled lagoon waiting for my knight in shining armor to fulfill my ultimatum which I'm assuming he won't.  Why are guys so fucking stupid. I'm serious.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

dj on the une's & deux's

Current Mood:

      So, rather recently I was amidst a riveting myself vs. the mirror round of Scrabble, (I won!) when I was interrupted with a present.  The night had begun my sister and her...bitch?, slaving away in the kitchen while I was playing strange child in the basement.  Eventually out of sympathy for my Sad-urday night, said parties felt compelled to bring me a piece of what they had been baking.  The rastafarian delicatessen was a most charming side order to my solo board games. Who knew. Anyways, after that I made a pizza and went to sleep.  The end.

Episode 1

    If the Socratic irony in my title is lost on you, please just stop reading now.  A general familiarity of the English language is a prerequisite to any enjoyment you may receive from my pathetic tales so take that into account before you proceed.
    After spending a weekend being "asked" to leave the bar and spending the remainder of my evenings on spider patrol in my father's dungeon, I've begun to feel a bit weird.  Without regular friend/(now ex)boyfriend interaction, I've developed a strange relationship avec the after hours MTV lineup.  With the amount of vampire/werewolf/zombie videos shown, I have ascertained that the producers are a bunch of Satanists.  However, with my limited channel availability in the crypt it's either that or HSN.  Friends of mine can recognize that that would be even more of a terror to me.
    Anyways, I'm giving this a try because Heather Lee makes it look fun and I'll try to incorporate pictures soon.  Don't get excited though, it's not going to be exquisite compilations of chocolate ravioli and old family recipes (which I do enjoy of hers), but if you'd like to see my daily Chipotle burrito in various places and eating stages...I can do that for you.